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The BTL EMsella Chair is a revolutionary, non-invasive treatment designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve bladder control. Utilizing high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology, the EMsella chair stimulates thousands of supramaximal contractions in a single session—equivalent to performing thousands of Kegel exercises. This FDA-cleared treatment is ideal for individuals experiencing urinary incontinence, pelvic floor weakness, or intimate health concerns. With no downtime and quick, comfortable sessions, the EMsella chair offers a convenient and effective solution to restore confidence and quality of life.

What Is the Emsella Chair?

It is not uncommon to experience incontinence as we age. It is also a common occurrence after having children or surgery. In order to reduce the symptoms, it is important to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. This is the region around the lower abdominal area that helps you ‘hold it’ when you have to go to the bathroom. If they become weakened, then you are less likely to maintain control.

Emsella Chair is a new option for patients who may not be getting the maximum strength they seek from traditional therapies such as kegel exercises. It can also be done as a complementary therapy to help strengthen these muscles and keep you comfortable. Emsella Chair is the use of electromagnetic pulses to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles

Package of Eight Treatments: $1,400

Results GUARANTEED! If after eight sessions you don't have results you are happy with then we will refund your money 100%!

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How Does It Work?

There are many different ways to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Your healthcare provider will review the options available and offer solutions based on your individual health needs and requirements. One of the suggestions they may make is the Emsella chair, which is a modern and innovative way to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Patients are asked to sit on an electromagnetic device, which uses a High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Field (HIFEM) to generate pulses that stimulate the supra-maximal pelvic floor muscles, which causes them to contract.

This continued contracting helps build up strength in the pelvic floor muscle, improving your ability to control this area of your body. The device is non-invasive so patients do not have to worry about feeling uncomfortable or nervous. Treatments usually require six sessions for maximum effect. Patients do not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure, except for some tingling as the muscles grow stronger.

What Is the Emsella Chair?

There are many different ways to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Your healthcare provider will review the options available and offer solutions based on your individual health needs and requirements. One of the suggestions they may make is the Emsella chair, which is a modern and innovative way to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Patients are asked to sit on an electromagnetic device, which uses a High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Field (HIFEM) to generate pulses that stimulate the supra-maximal pelvic floor muscles, which causes them to contract.

This continued contracting helps build up strength in the pelvic floor muscle, improving your ability to control this area of your body. The device is non-invasive, so patients do not have to worry about feeling uncomfortable or nervous. Treatments usually require six sessions for maximum effect. Patients do not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure, except for some tingling as the muscles grow stronger.

Urinary Incontinence Treatment

Many people will experience urinary incontinence in their lifetime. Having a child, age, or an injury can all play a role in the depletion of the pelvic floor muscles. If left untreated, some people can lose their ability to hold it when they have to go to the bathroom, resulting in the need to use incontinence products. It can also leave sufferers afraid to leave their homes or enjoy their favourite activities.

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Urinary incontinence can be the result of many factors and is common in both men and women. There are three identified types of incontinence, including:


  • Stress incontinence

  • Urge incontinence

  • Mixed incontinence


Incontinence can develop during or after pregnancy, as well as during menopause. It can also be the result of weakened pelvic floor muscles as you age. Stress and urge incontinence can benefit significantly from pelvic floor muscle training. Improving your ability to hold urine longer.

Single Session - $225
Package (8 Sessions) - $1,400
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